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Future Initiatives

Although Longwood has implemented a few methods of reducing the amount of energy we use, there is still a huge amount of room to grow. Other colleges and universities have led the way with their "green" initiatives such as the University of Portland, who in 1997 completed a science building made with recycled glass, metals, and bricks. An article from U.S. Catholic stated "Since then the university has been working to become carbon-neutral by 2040. To work toward that goal, the school has been retrofitting older buildings with more efficient light fixtures and windows and installing energy-saving solar panels." Another school taking charge is Colorado State University who has implemented the first solar-heated/air-conditioned on-campus building, among other initiatives. 


There are endless opportunities for us to "Go Green" on our campus, and it is our job to decide and press on! 


Please take our survey about Longwood and it's hope to be more environmentally friendly!




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