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There are simple things that can be done in order to protect the environment. Here are ways active citizens can make a difference for the environment:


1. Reduce, reuse, recycle- It seems simple, but not enough people make these choices. It can be as easy as using reusable water bottles, buying second-hand clothing, or recycling objects that you might normally throw away. Giving old items new life will make a need for newer items less of a necessity. Reduce the amount of energy and resources used, turn off lights when you leave a room, do not keep water running, try or carpooling instead of driving somewhere, 


2. Energy alternatives will help our environment. Changing up light sources with more energy efficient light bulbs can be cost effective as well as more eco-friendly. 


3. Give back to the environment. Consider starting a compost pile, planting trees or working to make a garden (producing your own food, is beneficial for the environment as well). Do not litter, not only does that make our environment less attractive, but it is also detrimental to animals and water sources that may come in contact with it. 


View this TedTalk on environmental development, given by

Johan Rockstrom:



How to be More Green

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